Where can I find my backup files on macOS?
Unlike on iOS and Android, backups on macOS cannot be easily moved to another location after they have been created. Instead, there are two options:
- Open backup directly. After creating the backup (or clicking “Open” in the list of existing backups), a dialog should open asking you which program you want to use to open the file. Here you can simply select a text editor of your choice (e.g. the pre-installed TextEdit). Afterwards, the backup should open in this program and you can simply re-save it to a location of your choice.
- If it does not work as described in (1), you can usually find all backups under the following path, which you can open in the Finder: /Users/<your username>/Library/Containers/com.trademarc.smartrace/Data/Library/Application Support/com.trademarc.smartrace/files – You can find out your username by typing “whoami” in the terminal app. Afterwards your username will be displayed.
You can open the path directly by clicking “Go to Folder…” in the Finder menu, alternatively you can type this in the Terminal app: open “full path as in the example above” (the quotes are important).
If you can’t see the .srbk files in the mentioned path, hold <Shift> + <CMD> + <.> to show hidden files (thanks to Torsten B. for the tip).