With the damage simulation add-on, you can set up target lap times which may not be exceeded by drivers during races. If a driver exceeds the time (e.g. because of an accident), their car will “suffer” from a random damage (e.g. engine, battery, suspension or gearbox issue). A corresponding icon will show up on the time table for the affected driver and a speech output will tell the driver about the damage and that they need to come to the pits to have it repaired. If the driver enters the pits and stays there for a certain time (which can be configured), the damage will be considered as repaired and the driver may regularly continue the race.
Using another setting, you can set up another target time for retirement. If a driver continues to race for this time without going to the pits and repairing the damage, they will be considered as retired and will not be able to participate in the race anymore. If this happens, a speech output informs the drivers about the retirement and the row for this driver in the time table will be greyed out.